Sunday Pick Me Up

Sunday Pick Me Up

Sunday Pick Me Up is Nagoya’s biggest environmental action event, and one of the most wholesome activities in the city! Every month, Small World gathers people of all ages and backgrounds to keep the city clean. The street cleanup is an excellent way to meet new people and to spend time in the outdoors with your friends. The people you’ll meet at SPMU are different to those who you would meet in a bar or a club, so it’s a fantastic opportunity to make different connections.

We also teach ways for you to reduce your environmental impact by adopting our three “Eco-Habits”! This event is great for teaching kids the value of environmentalism, and the responsibility that local citizens have to take care of their city, and the world at large. Over the past five years of hosting this event, Small World has collected over 2 tons of trash from the streets of Nagoya!

So please come join hang out, catch some fresh air and help us clean the city!

The next event will take place at 10:00AM, Sunday, April 21 at Hisaya Odori Park!
This time, we’re having a picnic after the event! Please bring your own lunch if you’re joining us!

If you would like to attend Sunday Pick Me Up, please REGISTER HERE!

Sunday Pick Me Upは名古屋最大級の環境保護活動です!毎月Small Worldではあらゆる年齢やバックグラウンドを持った人々を集め、街をきれいにする活動を行っています。街頭の清掃は、新しい人と出会ったり友人と屋外で時間を過ごすのに最適!SPMUで出会う人たちは、バーやクラブで出会う人たちとはまた違って、新しい人脈を作る素晴らしい機会でもあります。

また、普段の生活をちょっと変えるだけでゴミの量を減らすことができる3つの「Eco-Habit」をお教えします!このイベントは、子どもたちに環境保護の大切さや、自分たちの街や世界を大切にする地域住民としての責任について教えることができます。このイベントを開催してきた過去5年間を通じてSmall Worldは名古屋の街から2トン以上のゴミを回収してきました。

次回のイベントは4月21日(日) 午前10:00 に久屋大通パークで開催

Sunday Pick Me Upに参加したい方は、こちらから事前登録をお願いします!

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